Sunday, October 30, 2011

I'm an alien now

This is a blog.

 I'm going to be updating somewhat regularly and posting about my adventures and misadventures in glorious Japan.
 Maybe you'll learn something, but, if you know me, you're probably just waiting around for me to say something funny. I'm a clown like that.

 I arrived at New Koyo Hotel, Tokyo, on October 28th (though it was October 27th for you guys in North America. That's right. I'm in the future.)
 Here in my cheap (though lovable) hotel, I've met a few characters with intricate back-stories and shit. Here's the role-call.

*Note - As per Jon's own request, his picture has been removed from this blog.

This is Jon. He's Latvian. He's the hobo of the group, 'cause the guy is living off the equivalent of ten dollars a day. Latvia is an obscure country. I heard it has trains. At least there's that.

This is Julien. He's German. He's been here for a month already, so he's kind of like our tour guide. He doesn't mind the presence of jews, or so it appears. I made a politically incorrect joke, there.

This is Anton. He's British. He's here in Japan to study foxes and get laid. He's a fox-person, but he's not a furry. I didn't think it was possible either.

And of course, I'm Sean. I can speak basic Japanese and use chopsticks, but that's about it. The locals mistake me for a fellow Japanese. I disappoint them by not understanding most of what they say. And then they get embarrassed about not understanding what I answer in English. And then everything becomes awkward, but it's obviously more funny to me than it is to them. They don't find it funny. I don't take many pictures of myself. This one's a year old.

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