Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Banners for a New Year!

Hey, You!
 Yeah, you, reader!

I just got a precious new banner from Caitlin Hall ( it's the one up there! Thanks Caitlin!) And thought I might as well do the yearly banner call. It's nice to know who's been keeping up with my adventures at any rate. You don't have to spend crazy time on it or anything.

I've no expectations. At all.

Here are the rules once again!

Does anyone want to design a banner for this blog?

There'll be no winners or losers. I'll rotate the banners every week.
The rules are simple:
 - It has to say "Sean the Alien" on it, somewhere.
 - It has to relate in some way. That doesn't mean I have to be on it. It could. Or it could be something to do with Japan, or an alien, or whatever. Nothing totally unrelated like a picture of Nicholas Cage or some shit.
 - It can't be too nutty. And by that, I mean, nothing offensive.

That's about it. A little effort is appreciated!

THERE WILL BE PRIZES for those of you who send a banner in before February 20th. Like, I will literally buy you something cool (but inexpensive) from Japan. And it will be different for each of you. Isn't that exciting?  You don't know what you'll get.
 Regardless of if you send it before February 20th or not, I will be displaying all banners though.


  1. Replies
    1. Tyson!!
      Anything works yo. Big, small. I just ask that it be longer than it is tall.
