Sunday, June 8, 2014

Stuff Your Face with Aunt Stella

I couldn't actually eat that like that.
It's the month of June, and therefore Japan as a whole (minus Hokkaido and Okinawa, probably,) is drowning in rain water during this time of the year. So you might have noticed the recent trend of me blogging about things I'm putting in my mouth. This is another one of those.
 In a similar vein to Sweets Paradise, Aunt Stella's, an all-you-can-eat cookie place, opened in Ikebukuro a while back. It's basically an invitation to dentures and diabetes (my second favorite kind of D&D) but what the hell, you only live once.
 The good: Aunt Stella's will run you down 880¥ only, for a whole hour of cookies to your heart's delight. That's less than 10$, folks. And I'm no expert on the subject matter at hand, but I'd say the cookies were actually pretty awesome, too. I had the delightful chance to experience the joy of scarfing down at least twenty cookies during my visit, which, actually, doesn't seem like much written out like that, but is a whole god damn bunch in reality. On top of it all, Stella's boasts 100 different varieties of cookies, though only 15 are put out on any given day. So there's lots value, if you want to put it that way. During my visit I got to sample mango and raspberry and caramel flavored cookies amongst a whole bunch of others. Just thinking of the ones I haven't tried makes me hungry again.
 The bad: Well, in Tokyo, where there's a cheap price and quality, there's also a crowd. It's a one hour queue just to get into the place, though you may find a luckier time in the day than I did (around 75 minutes wait on a rainy Saturday afternoon.) It's a shame, but more people like cookies than just you and me. And for a price so low, you can bet there's a whole shit tonne of middle school and high school students that get added to the crowd. If you're anything like me, you may find that 30 minutes with a cookie buffet is more than enough time to get disgustingly full, so you may want to take some time to appraise the reward for the ordeal of queuing for that long.

Aunt Stella's! Making you watch people eat for an hour to build appetite!

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