Friday, July 6, 2012

I Babysat

Yeah, I know, it doesn't have much to do with Japan. But I thought I'd share anyway. As if I wasn't spending enough time around kids lately, I briefly babysat Erika's kid, Maxine. And it was totally chill! She was all giddy and giggly and, whatever. Ken was there, not that it took two people to babysit a one-and-a-half year old child, but it was all we could do to give a hand to friend.
 Erika has it tough. Between doing paperwork to get governmental service, a part-time job, and coming home to her child, it's hard to find time to catch a break.

 Mind you, Erika's only 22. I think it does take a lot of strength to give up everything a 22 year-old would rather be doing, and dedicate the time to a child. And Maxine, she's sweet, but she's not exactly easy. She's got just as much fire as her mother. Maxine does what she wants. If she wants to be acknowledged while you're watching television, she'll stand between you and it, and start throwing shit on the ground. And don't get me started about shit on the ground. Put that aside, for a sec, though, and all things considered, I don't have a doubt that she will have a bright and interesting future, given Erika's effort.

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