Thursday, September 6, 2012

Here Comes PETA

Shin-Okubo is Tokyo's "Little Korea." It's home to many Koreans, it's a sure place to find heaps of Korean merchandise (especially idol-related), and, of course, there are also many Korean food joints to choose from. I've had Korean food a couple of times, and it's nice, but I can't for the life of me remember Korean dish names. Kimchi? "That's not a dish," you say? Well go to hell.

 I don't come to Shin-Okubo often. The last time I was in the area was for the Yamanote Line walk. At that time, Aala showed Ken and Sofie and I a peculiar Chinese restaurant. "I have to come here and write an article about this place," he said. "But I can't eat here, because it isn't Halal." I offered to help. He'd pay my meal!
 And that's how it came to be decided that I would eat dog meat.

 Hold that thought! Let me just clarify that Japanese people generally don't eat dog! This restaurant could not exist outside of Korean Town. The thought of it is the same as it would be to most Canadians, ranging from disgust to skepticism.
 Whatever, I'll take the free meal, thank you.
 The dish, served with a mildly spicy sauce and green onion, was actually quite nice. The dog meat, though, comes all the way from China, so the meal was actually quite expensive: 2000¥, or approximately 24$. It could have done with a little less salt, but dog meat itself is pretty tender and has a pleasant taste. I hear it's tender because they beat the dog to death using their bare fists. That wasn't a joke. The thought isn't pleasant to me, either, folks, but not so different from what they do to other animals.
Is dog meat anything special, all things considered? No, it's not. You could've fooled me if you put it in my plate and said it was something else.

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