Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Let Us Summon Diabetes

Japanese branches of American fast food chains often run interesting campaigns one can't catch sight of in America itself. For instance, almost exactly a year ago, I recall that time when they were offering those amazingly cheap McNuggets. As a matter of fact, there's seldom a time when fast food chains aren't running some sort of interesting campaign.

Well get a load of this; for one week only, Burger King Japan has been offering 30-minute All-You-Can-Eat on burgers and fries after the purchase of one Black Burger combo. What's the Black Burger? Well that's a promotional burger they've been having this month. The buns are actually pitch black. The food coloring used for the buns is actually from squid ink (which you obviously can't taste.) It's quite a powerful coloring agent.

 All-You-Can-Eat on Burger King? You can imagine my reaction. This immediately called for a coalition. I summoned to my finest warriors: Ken Tanaka, his half-sister Nozomi, and Aala's Right-Hand-Man, Jean-Paul Lo. United, we valiantly met in Shibuya to tackle the challenge of eating as many burgers as we could.
 Yeah I know. With the exception of Lo perhaps, one would guess we aren't big eaters and wouldn't be able to eat that many burgers anyway. One would be correct.
This is the one I couldn't finish.

The Black Burger itself was actually quite nice!
It didn't taste irregular in any way. The color had nothing to do with the actual taste of the burger itself. But all that was beside the point.
 I scarfed it down as fast as possible in order to get to the second and third burgers. The young girl at the counter giggled as I ran down the stairs each time to get a new burger. She knew what we were up to.
Much to my chagrin, though, I couldn't make it past three-and-a-half burgers. Whopper Burgers are big, man, and I learned that the hard way today. Fortunately though, I didn't puke, but had I gone any further into that fourth I very likely would have.




That's between four of us. Going in, I thought I'd eat five, but you get what you get. Until next year, Burger King!

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