Friday, November 9, 2012

Let's Make Octopus Balls

Octopus balls! That's takoyaki in Japanese. No, they're not octopus testicles, you fools. They're fried batter with little bits of octopus inside. In recent days Aala's been having quite some fun throwing takoyaki parties left and right. I actually narrowly missed the last party and had to cancel at the last moment, leaving Aala and his roomie Jean-Paul waiting for me at the station for no reason, which they got on my back for (shame on me!) So I owed them to come to this one.

 A couple of Aala's friends were present, and so was his girlfriend, Yuko. Between she and Ken, I guess 90% of the takoyaki was made. It was a pleasant little gathering and Aala got to show me pictures of himself dressed as a panda and walking into stores for Halloween. I didn't take part in the crafting of the octopus balls so much as I kind of just watched and ate. I'm no stranger to takoyaki, but I must say, I don't think it has its equivalent in the western world. I can't say "takoyaki tastes like" or "is like," because it's kind of a wholesome food with its own identity. And not that many westerners often eat octopus to begin with, so yeah.  Or am I wrong? You can write something in the comments below the post and say something like "I ate octopus!" or "I love the balls!" if you like.

Aala looking just about as graceful as usual.
 In Japan, takoyaki isn't even much of a main dish so much as one part of a larger meal. It's kind of associated with street stalls and is something that can sometimes be picked up like one would pick up a hotdog in New York. But there are specialty restaurants that will offer a myriad of varieties.

Off topic, take note: I'm likely to join Aala as he rides the train in a full panda costume some time soon. Yes, of course I'll be in costume too.

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