Sunday, March 4, 2012


Yesterday had me turning 21 and celebrating my birthday along with Erika, a friend of Ken's I was introduced to one week prior. We're likely to hang out in Ueno, all of us together, sometime soon, so I figure I'll introduce her to you guys here.
 Erika's a terrific singer, half-american, a real hippy if I ever met one, and the mother of an adorable one year old baby named Maxine.
 Maxine is...well, a baby. So she doesn't really do stuff (or does she?) She tried to feed me cake though, so she's pretty cool too.

As for the birthday party itself, it was more of a celebration of Erika turning 22 on March 2nd, but I'm super glad I got invited along. I met a bunch of nice people from Ken and Erika's English-Speaking-Japanese circle of friends, and they offered to pay for my food and drinks and karaoke since it was my birthday. I declined, but a lot of pictures were taken of me posing with the whole group, so if anyone asks I can pretend I'm really popular, which is a gift enough.

Left to Right; Mika, Sasa, Ken, Erika, Myself, Jun, Kengo, David.

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