Monday, August 5, 2013

Interesting Tidbits: 10 Things I Love About Japan

1. Convenience Stores
They're actually convenient. And conveniently numerous. You almost certainly can't walk 5 minutes in any direction without seeing one within the major cities. Also, the food they sell won't give you chlamydia in your mouth (their ready-made meals are actually pretty tasty!)

2. He Bowed to Me!
Tokyo people are just polite, man. They're quick on the draw when it comes to apologizing, and it's pretty much guaranteed that any store clerk or receptionist will great you with a "welcome" as you enter the building, hand you your change directly to your hand and will speak to you with up-most politeness in general. And all the bowing!

3. This Train Goes Everywhere
Yes, it does! You can catch a train from pretty much any freaking place in the city in Tokyo. It's so perfect to be able to get anywhere in a flash. Once you figure out how to use them efficiently, the trains will be the best tool in your arsenal.

4. I'm Thirsty, Now
There's an abundance (over-abundance?) of vending machines in every alleyway. Not only do they sell drinks that are way cheap in comparison to North America (1$ for a can of coke for instance) but they also sell warm drinks such as hot chocolate! You can grab a drink anywhere at any time for cheap. Ideal.

5. Damn This is Tasty
Food! Japanese food is delicious and for the most part healthy, and doubly so when done in Japan. It's easy to fall victim to sushi cravings after you've been to half-decent places a couple of times. 

6. Hot Springs
Onsen baths are the shit. Once you get over the fact that you're bathing naked with a bunch of other dudes, it's just relaxing to dip in at the end of a long trip (or whenever you want, really) for a cheap price and just soak in the therapeutically hot waters.

7. All This Crazy Shit
You don't have to walk very far to see people dressed crazy, crazy billboards, crazy restaurants, and all this crazy shit in general. Man, Japan is just so interesting, it's hard not to find it charming. It certainly will keep you from getting bored if you ever feel like you want to break the routine by, say, eating behind bars.

8. You Call This Winter?
The Winter in Tokyo is quite mild, despite every Japanese person you'll cross on the street shivering and sneezing and saying "it's cold!" while running hurriedly. I know where I'm from.

9. This is Oddly Pleasant
The standard Japanese toilet is a "washlet." They do everything related to helping you, frankly, shit comfortably. They're warm when you sit on them, they're cleaner, they have bidets with controllable water-pressure. They're just awesome.

10. Culture
And of course, Japan's a country with history, and the Japanese are proud of it. That there's so much in this society based on honor harkens to the days of the samurai code. Temples and shrines and ancient shops and traditions are testimony to the cultural wealth of this country.

D'aww, isn't that nice!
Well, the list of things I don't quite like is coming up too.

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