Sunday, September 15, 2013

You Don't Know Ice Cream

The Tokyo Summer is waning and there's a typhoon expected to hit tomorrow. I hate rain. Planning anything outdoors is kind of a game of Russian roulette, and so it's time to look indoors a bit.
I had heard from Aala a while back that Nanja Town, an indoor theme park owned by Namco, the video game producing company, was the place to go for exotic ice cream flavors, and it's been on my to-do list for quite a bit, so I went to check it out for myself. I'm sure I would've loved Namja Town if I were a kid and I spoke Japanese, but unfortunately for my sorry ass, neither of those conditions were fulfilled at the time of my visit. But I can still eat ice cream.
 And boy do they have ice cream. What do you know about ice cream?
Do you like ice cream? What about Indian curry? Oh well fancy that, they have Indian curry flavored ice cream. It might just be your day.
 Let's see. What else do they have...
 Garlic. Sea urchin. Rose. Basil. Wasabi. Shark-fin ramen. Eel. Shrimp. Cow tongue. Shellfish. 12 year old single malt. Cassis orange. Crab. Avocado milk. Cheese. Mascarpone. Golden tomato. Coal. Roasted eggplant. 
 Those were some of the flavors of the day. I tried Indian curry and it actually wasn't terrible, but I could've sworn it was actually...spicy, and yet not hot. Bizarre.
But wait, to top the list, and unfortunately unavailable the day of my visit is...viper. As in the venomous pit snake. Who the fuck ever ate a viper? At least the rest of those things I have a vague idea of the taste. Viper must be pretty tasty if it merits its own ice cream flavor. Shit.

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