Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Quick Look at Enoshima

On Basil's last full day in Tokyo, we opted for a visit to Kamakura, and stumbled upon the chance to rent bicycles, allowing us to hit all the major attractions in record time and go out a little farther than I had had the chance to previously. And, as it so happens, just a 20 minute bike ride out of Kamakura is the fairly well-known Enoshima, which I've been recommended to visit time and time again.

Enoshima's a small yet well known island connected to land by means of a long bridge. It enjoys a fair number of Japanese tourists, in great part due to its beaches, but also because it's a pretty scenic getaway spot, and it's fairly close to Tokyo.
 The center of Enoshima is quite elevated, with a number of residences and shops at its bottom, soon giving way to temples (the most notable one being the Enoshima Shrine, almost a straight line from the main bridge), and a number of touristy attractions at the top.
 If you happen to be a lazy ass (or have a genuine handicap), there are even a few escalators to bring you to the top, for a price - a concept I was unaware even exited.
Once at the summit, though, a wide open plaza awaits, complete with Enoshima's trademark watchtower, allowing you to gaze out at the sea. The number of visitors also brings around performers on sunny days, which are a nice way to relax and kill time.
 Obviously, this is merely the island in a nutshell, and I have been informed that there are a number of other things to do on the island, such as relax on rocky plates in the ocean, or go spelunking in caves where there are Buddhist statues. Given the time, I'll definitely have another visit!

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