Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chilling With My Homies

Today, after going home from work, I hung out with Julian, Mori, and his roommate, Kento (whom I will probably introduce more thoroughly afterwards.) We played Koi Koi until late at night, and it was quite enjoyable. Even though the game is Japanese, most of the locals don't know how to play. Asides from My Brother Miyamoto-san, Kento was the first person I met here who did.
 Mostly, the game is played by gangsters and homeless people, so yeah, I guess it should come as no surprise that regular folks don't know much about it.

On a different note, I'm glad to be able to say that my job is going very well and my boss has admitted to being very pleased with my progression. I'm still in my one month training, but that nice raise at the end of the month is getting closer and closer. Mm, I can taste it already.

1 comment:

  1. Why isn't it the least bit surprising that you'd know a game played almost exclusively by gangsters and homeless people?
