Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Museum of Parasites in Meguro

You read that right. It's an entire museum dedicated to parasites, with real specimens of the nasty things.
That's an actual tapeworm, on the left! The museum has two floors dedicated to all manners of critters that depend on their unwilling hosts to live, be they fish, rodents, livestock, or humans.
I found it quite interesting, but I'd guess it's not for the faint of heart. Some of the tubes like the one pictured here contained preserved severed heads and membranes of animals, all with the parasite still conserved with them. There were also informative diagrams of where the parasites nest and whatnot.

That's a botfly with my thumb in comparison.

In addition to that, there's also some merchandise on the second floor. To think I passed on the chance of buying a t-shirt with a tapeworm on it, or to send postcards of sickly white bot-fly maggots eating through the flesh of some unidentifiable animal. It's a pity I don't have a significant other in Canada. I'm a sucker for innovative gifts.

Also, this is what I had for lunch today! I tried to make it a balanced meal. I may or may not have succeeded.

What's that you ask? Of course the octopus tentacle is raw. This is Japan.
It kind of fits today's theme, I think.

Moving on, though, tomorrow's going to be a big day. Julian and I are putting to action our job plan. Tomorrow, he and I are going on a crusade across Tokyo. We will be printing out posters advertising English conversation sessions for 2000Y, and posting them in womens' schools throughout the city. We have mapped out a course of action, where we will be visiting seven different colleges and universities to put the advertisements up. With the will of heaven, we shall complete our duty with magnificence. Stay posted, for tomorrow begins our campaign to capture the hearts and minds of young women throughout Tokyo.


  1. Loving the girl schools only plan, two birds one stone! hah

  2. haha I love the plan too!
    I would have never been able to go to that museum, parasites terrify me! How was the raw tentacle?

  3. The tentacle was awesome, if you like octopus 8D Chewy.

  4. Omg I would not have been able to go to that museum either. Creepy stuff. Man Japan is one Wacky place!
