Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ueno Zoo

 I took the chance to visit Ueno Zoo while the weather was good, since it's fairly close to hotel New Koyo. For the small admission fee of 600Y (eight dollars?), I didn't think it would be a very large zoo. It is, after all, in the middle of downtown Tokyo.

 I was wrong.

 I spent two hours in there, after which I had thought I had gone around the whole thing, only to realize that there was a whole other equally big section to the zoo. I got lost in there.

I own this place.

The variety of animals on display is enormous. You name it. They have it. I had never seen an aye-aye in captivity until Ueno Zoo. But by far the stars of the place were the pandas.

And boy, do the Japanese love their god damn pandas. There's a line up to go see the pandas - on a Tuesday morning! Who can blame 'em, though. I've yet to meet someone who could look me in the eye and tell me they hate pandas. Maybe it's a crime here?

Pandas aside, it's also quite educative! I stumbled upon this thing for the first time. Secretarybird, it's called? Man, I almost feel bad for the thing. Sure, it's nice to look at, but come on, it's a freaking eagle on stilts. What covenant of nature would make a bird evolve into having such long legs and such a short beak? An eagle can easily carry its food to its mouth in mid flight, and a crane has a long enough beak to be able to fish efficiently, but man, this poor fellow has to bend all the way down to get nearly anything done. My heart goes out to the secretarybird; you poor, malformed Frankenstein of the animal kingdom.

Almost as surprising as the animals themselves was the number of children in Ueno Zoo. I swear, children are a rare sight in Tokyo; it's a well known fact that the population of Japan is a rapidly aging one. But it was as though every child in Tokyo had converged into this one point. The children are almost as fun to watch as the animals. I say that in the least pedo way I can.

It's interesting to note that Ueno Zoo is surrounded by a residential district in at least two of its four sides. Houses hug the walls of the zoo in such a way that the person living there could open their window and plainly look at the place; maybe even pop out and enjoy it without paying the admission fee.

Once out, I enjoyed a delicious bowl of ramen and watched a few movies with the guys back at the hotel. Altogether, t'was a good time for a good price. And, for the whole day, I spent less than 2200Y? A real steal.

Ueno Zoo gets my dominant fist of approval.


  1. lol What a poor ass bird! I liked the panda, although I thought they were fatter. Liking that last pic of you man.
