Sunday, December 25, 2011

Jackpot Dice

Mr Bobby's turn.
Eh, today I was at New Koyo's and the tenants and I got bored together. So we played Jackpot dice.
 The rules to the game are simple; one at a time, each player attempts to roll every number from 1 to 9, using two dice. For example, if you roll 3 and 4, this can count as either 3, 4 or 7. Easy enough, right?
 The players were Mr Bobby, Kimura-san, and myself, playing on behalf of my brother, who watched on the side.
 Each player put in 100Y (1.25$) as an initial ante, and 10Y (0.12$) as an additional bet every time it was their turn.

My Brother Miyamoto laughs at Mr Bobby's poor luck.
I came pretty close to winning the pot, but in the end Kimura-san took the winnings. I apologized to my brother for not having better luck. He didn't hold it against me, but I brought him a doughnut later in the evening anyway.
 I also informed him that I was moving out of the area later in the month.

The conversation went something like this.
Me: "I'll be moving to Ueno by the end of the week."
Brother (laughing): "Oh. You'll be living under [something] probably."
Me: What's that? I didn't understand that word.
Mr Bobby: "He's saying you'll be living under a bridge."
Damn it, have faith in me, brother.

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