Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Lot of Small, Unrelated Things

First off, here's a Latvian joke I found on the internet.

Three men are in ship. One Latvian, one Russian, one Lithuanian. Lithuanian take out one bottle wodka. Russian kill Lithuanian, then drink wodka. Then Latvian wait until Russian drink self to sleep, then kill. Is end.
In more serious news, I'd like to let everyone know that Kris got home safely after finally receiving money. He's in his hometown of Riga digging for potatoes or whatever Latvians do in order not to starve in their tiny frozen country. What a shame, too; we didn't have the chance to go for a last drink.

Yeah I know, it's dark. I didn't take other pics.
That aside, I also went to a nice club yesterday named Unit, in Ebisu. I gotta say, though I enjoyed Womb, I took an even greater liking to Unit, simply because there were less foreigners. Most people who know me know that I don't really go clubbing in Montreal. However, I think the whole ambiance is totally different in Japanese clubs. In a way, it feels less like a jubilant mass of horny youths trying to rub on one another and more like self-respecting people just dancing to the sound of a music they all enjoy. In retrospect, Clement and Julian and I left late at night and danced 'til the morning. Uhh, not together, though.

Last but not least, as some of you may already know, I have an interview tomorrow for a job as an English Teacher for Children. This is serious stuff. The job pays 35$ an hour. If I can pull off a job like that, I'll be able to stay in Japan pretty much indefinitely, which would be an amazing thing in and of itself, let alone the incredible amount of extra money. Wish me luck!

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